Uncomfortable Questions About AI

Borys Pratsiuk,
Nika Tamayo Flores,
Alexandr Honchar

October 21

from 19:00 p.m. till 20:30 p.m.



On October 21 Data Science UA invites you to participate in the intriguing Online Panel discussion “Uncomfortable Questions About AI”.

We will discuss uneasy questions that are rarely asked:

✔️ Where to get data legally if you don’t have a dataset;
✔️ How to cope with bias in data;
✔️ Why machine learning is not always needed;
✔️ How to work with small and big data;
✔️ How much does AI really cost;
and much more.

10% of the money for the purchased tickets will be donated for the Charity campaign of Group of Active Rehabilitation.
Report language: Russian

Data Science UA gathered the best speakers to talk on these issues:

? Borys Pratsiuk, Chief Technology Officer at Scalarr
? Alexandr Honchar, Entrepreneur, Advisor, and Author in AI at Neurons Lab
? Alexander Proskurin, Founder, CIO, Machine Factor Technologies
? Oleksandr Romanko, Ph.D., Head of Quantitative Research, SS&C Algorithmics

The moderator of the event will be ? Veronica Tamayo Flores, Head of Consulting at Data Science UA!

The evening and panel talk will be very hot, so book your time on October 21st and join the intriguing discussion.

You can leave your questions before the start at the Facebook page and the speakers will answer them within the event.

The authors of the most uncomfortable and memorable questions will get gifts from Data Science UA ?


Early Birds
Until October 14
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From October 15
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5% — from 2 tickets
7% — from 3 tickets
10%— from 5 tickets