Natural language processing services

With text categorization, sentiment analysis, and AI-powered language generation, turn data into valuable insights.

Our natural language processing services


By extracting only relevant information from unstructured corporate documents, we help businesses make well-informed decisions. Our NLP services allow for advanced entity recognition and text analysis for database enrichment.


Our team utilizes collaborative filtering, matrix factorization, and neural networks to develop personalized recommendation engines that increase user engagement and retention.

Big Data Processing

Simplifying and managing big, complicated datasets is part of our NLP consulting and development services. 
We adapt large datasets, making them easier to use. We ensure high-performance data processing in real time with scalable systems.


Intelligent conversational agents help automate customer service, rationalize support processes, and increase user engagement with their text generation abilities, available for multiple languages.
We develop solutions that ensure uninterrupted customer support while reducing operational costs and improving efficiency.


As a seasoned NLP service provider, Data Science UA specializes in fine-tuning large language models to achieve better alignment and accuracy in domain-specific applications.

Learn more about our
NLP solutions

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How Data Science UA can
benefit your company

We provide end-to-end natural language processing services: from analyzing unstructured text to deploying advanced language models.


AI Strategy Development

  • We support companies in creating detailed AI integration plans that effectively work with their current systems.

Data Mining

  • Quality data is the key element of any successful AI project. We build strong pipelines to preserve data integrity and ensure reliable insights.

Support and Maintenance

  • We actively participate in model implementation and maintenance to improve its performance further.


Custom NLP Solutions

  • Whether it’s AI-powered chatbots or automated content moderation our expert team develops customized systems to keep your customers engaged and your platforms safe.

Text Categorization

  • We create solutions that categorize text, extract insights, and support data-driven decision-making, helping businesses refine their processes across industries.


  • We focus on higher performance, accuracy, and scalability, continuously elevating models to deliver better results.

Technologie, mit der wir arbeiten

Our experts utilize a wide range of innovative frameworks for truly impactful results.

Computer Vision

Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache


Tabellarische Datenanalyse




Embedding Generation

Prompt Tuning


GPT Variants

BERT Variants









Power BI












Retriever- Generator






IBM Wolke

Oracle Wolke






Datenwissenschaft UA

As an NLP service provider with over 8 years of experience in the field, we are dedicated to creating innovative solutions that bring prompt and tangible results.

Fachwissen und Erfahrung

  • Focusing on quality and efficiency, we deliver NLP services powered by advanced frameworks like Hugging Face Transformers and PyTorch
  • Our natural language processing solutions meet industry-specific needs, driving results across diverse applications.

Umfassende Dienstleistungen

  • We provide full-cycle solutions, including data preparation, deployment, and optimization.
  • Our solutions integrate seamlessly into existing systems, providing a solid foundation for decision-making.

Nachgewiesene Erfolgsbilanz

  • We have driven significant business transformation for our clients, securing their constant growth.
  • Our solutions are set to consistently deliver measurable improvements.

Fortschrittliche Technologien

  • Using scalable AI tools, we integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure.
  • This approach supports smooth implementation while accommodating future growth needs.

Laufende Unterstützung

  • We provide ongoing monitoring and optimization so that our models continue to operate at a high level.
  • To address model drift, our team utilizes a proactive approach for long-term system reliability.


  • As natural language processing experts, we design solutions that overcome your business challenges.
  • Our flexible approach ensures impactful results that are aligned with your goals.

Leverage customized natural language processing services to bring innovative
change to your organization and stand out among competitors.

Lassen Sie sich beraten

Warum Data Science UA

As an NLP service provider with over 8 years of experience in the field, we are dedicated to creating innovative solutions that bring prompt and tangible results.

Fachwissen und Erfahrung

  • Focusing on quality and efficiency, we deliver NLP services powered by advanced frameworks like Hugging Face Transformers and PyTorch
  • Our natural language processing solutions meet industry-specific needs, driving results across diverse applications.

Umfassende Dienstleistungen

  • We provide full-cycle solutions, including data preparation, deployment, and optimization.
  • Our solutions integrate seamlessly into existing systems, providing a solid foundation for decision-making.

Nachgewiesene Erfolgsbilanz

  • We have driven significant business transformation for our clients, securing their constant growth.
  • Our solutions are set to consistently deliver measurable improvements.

Fortschrittliche Technologien

  • Using scalable AI tools, we integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure.
  • This approach supports smooth implementation while accommodating future growth needs.

Laufende Unterstützung

  • We provide ongoing monitoring and optimization so that our models continue to operate at a high level.
  • To address model drift, our team utilizes a proactive approach for long-term system reliability.


  • As natural language processing experts, we design solutions that overcome your business challenges.
  • Our flexible approach ensures impactful results that are aligned with your goals.

Leverage customized natural language processing services to bring innovative
change to your organization and stand out among competitors.

Lassen Sie sich beraten

Branchen, mit denen wir arbeiten


Beschleunigung der Arzneimittelentdeckung mit fortschrittlicher Analytik und ML.

  • NLP-Algorithmen
  • Echtzeit-Analytik
  • Benutzerdefinierte Dashboards
  • Prädiktive Modellierung



Mehr Sicherheit und Schnelligkeit bei Finanzdienstleistungen.

  • Erweiterte Betrugserkennung
  • Personalisiertes Banking
  • Benutzerdefinierte Dashboards
  • Effizientes Risikomanagement



Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens der Mitarbeiter und des betrieblichen Erfolgs durch maßgeschneiderte KI-Lösungen.

  • Adaptive Fertigung AI
  • Echtzeit-Analytik
  • Benutzerdefinierte Dashboards
  • Optimierung der Ressourcen
  • Fehlerfreie Automatisierung



KI transformiert die Chemieindustrie mit fortschrittlichen datengesteuerten Lösungen.

  • Molekulare Modellierung und Simulation
  • Prädiktive chemische Synthese und Reaktionsüberwachung
  • Benutzerdefinierte Datenvisualisierung und Echtzeit-Optimierung


Einzelhandel und E-Commerce

Mit innovativen Datenlösungen und KI das Einkaufserlebnis verändern.

  • Personalisierte Empfehlungen
  • Bestandsmanagement in Echtzeit
  • Analyse des Kundenverhaltens
  • Prädiktive Verkaufsprognose

Einzelhandel &

Grüne Energie

Revolutionierung der erneuerbaren Energien mit Spitzentechnologie und Datenwissen.

  • Optimierung des intelligenten Netzes
  • Energieüberwachung in Echtzeit
  • Vorausschauende Wartung
  • Benutzerdefinierte Energie-Dashboards

Grüne Energie

Interested in integrating
natural language processing?

Get a consultation from our experts

Our natural language processing development approach

Our sophisticated approach ensures quality NLP services adapted specifically to your needs:


Define goals and identify how NLP solutions can create value.

Vorbereitung der Daten

Structure data for performance, affirming our position as a leader in natural language processing and data science.


Build robust, scalable solutions, strengthening our reputation for delivering high-quality results.

Testing & Optimization

Refine models for accuracy and reliability.


Integrate seamlessly into your systems with minimal disruption.

Laufende Unterstützung

Ensure long-term adaptability and success with continuous monitoring.


Explore our NLP solutions showing measurable outcomes and improved performance in fields like consulting and sales:

A global “Big Four” accounting and consulting firm

Developed a secure platform for client-consultant interactions, enhancing analytics and reporting capabilities.

AI platform for streamlined design compliance and reduced project risks.

Developed a generative AI-powered interface for IBC and ASCE queries, enabled iterative refinement, integrated design standards, and optimized mobile/desktop usability.

Outreach-Plattform zur Umsatzsteigerung und Risikominderung

Released real-time audio and text recognition for instant seller info, added video and audio customization, and improved multi-language audio data annotation.

Was Kunden über uns sagen:

Hohe Qualität, Autorität, Verantwortung.

Gründliche Vorgehensweise, Aufmerksamkeit für Details und Anforderungen, hohe Geschwindigkeit bei der Suche und Qualität der Kandidaten. Während unserer Zusammenarbeit haben wir unser DS-Team mit aktiver Unterstützung des Unternehmens um 5 neue Mitarbeiter erweitert.

Wir glauben, dass sie über den besten Pool an KI-Talenten in der Ukraine verfügen.

Data Science UA hat uns geholfen, hochqualifizierte Talente anzuziehen. Wir baten um Hilfe bei der Besetzung von Stellen in den Bereichen maschinelles Lernen und KI. Mit Hilfe dieses Unternehmens haben wir etwa 10 KI-Spezialisten eingestellt.

Ihre Rekrutierungsstandards sind definitiv erwähnenswert.

Schnelle Rückmeldung und Flexibilität, um unseren Standpunkt zu berücksichtigen. Sie zeigen ein hohes Maß an Professionalität in ihren Prozessen und ihrer Kommunikation. Wir sind mit den Teammitgliedern, die ihr Team für uns gefunden hat, sehr zufrieden.

Was Kunden über uns sagen:

Andere Branchen


What is Natural Language Processing?

Natural language processing is one of the subfields of AI which focuses on enabling the machines to comprehend, analyze, and generate human language, taking into account the contextual nuances. NLP solutions such as chatbots, sentiment analysis, language translation, text categorization, and many others, are used to make sense of unstructured text information.

What specific NLP services do you offer for businesses?

NLP as a service can have various applications. At Data Science UA we specialize in text analysis, sentiment analysis, chatbots, language translation, named entity recognition, and document automation, with flexible formats for collaboration.

Can NLP help with multilingual content analysis and translation?

Yes, NLP can effectively analyze and translate multilingual content, even with contextual nuances. Our experts develop and implement models that handle multiple languages, ensuring accurate insights and seamless translation for global businesses.

Do you offer ongoing support and optimization for NLP solutions?

Absolutely. Natural language processing as a service includes continuous support and optimization to ensure our NLP solutions remain effective and aligned with your evolving business goals.

Can you integrate NLP solutions with our existing software systems?

Yes, Data Science UA specializes in integrating NLP solutions with existing systems, ensuring a seamless fit with your current workflows and enhancing their functionality without disruption.

Looking for real expertise in
natural language processing?

Connect with us now – our professionals will assist you in selecting a suitable course of action for efficient technology integration